International Signals and Flags

International Signals and Flags

If we are to give detailed information about the international signal flags and banners that play an important role in the communication of the ships and the coast. These flags and pennants are different colors according to their duties and meanings. In addition to being in different colors, their shapes are also different. There are 40 flags used by seafarers to communicate. 26 of them are the banners used to represent letters, while 10 of them are pennants whose numbers are used in the representation. Apart from these, there is streamer used for one answer for 3 repetitions. The pennant and the flag have a different meaning. 

International Signals and Usage Rules for Flags 

Country flags on boats must be drawn to shipments located at the stern of their country. Other sign flags and pennants must be drawn to starboard shipments. When the boat enters foreign waters, the flag is about to be buckled on the starboard until the customs process is finished. Regarding the flag will rise. If you do not know the language of vision you are in, you can use expressions about these flag banners and streamers. Of course, for this, you need to know the meaning of the flags and pennants to carry.